Full list of commentators on how art educates:
Andrea Henderson Fahnestock: Curator Museum of the City of New York,
Andreia Davies: New York Foundation for the Arts
Andrew Lampert: Film Anthology Archive, New York City
Arnold Lehman: Director Brooklyn Museum
Barbara Kaufman: Pottery Art Historian
Beverly Allan: Curator, NYC
Bill Carroll: Historian, NYC
Bill Moyers: Journalist
Brit Littman: Director The Drawing Room NYC
Cathy O’Hara: Curator
Christine Hunter: Writer
Danny Simmons: Curator, artist
Dan Sinclair: Sculpture, Historian NYC
David Amram: Musician
David Ebony: Writer, Art in America
Elizabeth Ackermann: Curator, Architect NYC
Ella Weiss: Director Brooklyn Council on the Arts
Ellen Winner: Professor of Psychology Boston College Project ZERO
Eugenie Tai: Curator Brooklyn Museum
Evan Harris Walker: American physicist
Franny Koelsch: Curator, Dallas Texas
Hoong Yee Lee Krakauer: Director Queens Council on the Arts
J Kuhn: Artist
Jason Sleurs: Mike Weiss Gallery NYC
Jeffrey Deitch: Director Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles
Jerry Capa: Historian
Jill Conner: Writer NYC
Joachim Pissarro Bershad: Professor of Art History Hunter CUNY
Joe Amrhein: Gallery owner, NYC
John Hanhardt: Senior Curator for media Arts at the Smithsonian
Jonathan Goodman: Editor AsianPacific NYC
Judith Melina: Performer
Judy Kim: Curator Brooklyn Museum
Karen Hopkins: President Brooklyn Academy of Music
Kate Levin: Commissioner Department of Cultural Affairs New York City
Kate Ottervino: Historian NYC
Larry Shopmaker: Curator NYC
Lorenzo Pace: Professor of Art studies NYC
Mark DeMuro: Fine Art Dealer NYC
Marshall Price: Curator of modern and contemporary art NYC
Martha Corscaden: Curator
Martin Nederpelt: Curator NYC
Marty Markowitz: Boro President Brooklyn New York
Mary Mattingly: Curator, Artist NYC
May Bernstein
Michael Devonshire: Architect/ Conservator NYC
Michael Royce: Director New York Foundation for the Arts
Morley Safer: Journalist
Nina Colossi: Curator NYC
Peter Trippe: Writer, NYC
Richard Flood: New Museum Chief Curator NYC
Richard Piper: Architect/ Conservator NYC
Robert Stolarik: Photographer NY Times
Ron Melman: Sculpture NYC
Ronnie Farley: Associated Press
Sara Fitzmaurice: FITZ & CO
Sasha Wolf: Gallery Owner, Curator NYC
Scott Tillitt: Writer
Simon Van Booy: Writer
Spencer Throckmorton: Gallery Owner, Curator NYC
Susan Olsen: Executive director of Friends of Woodlawn
Susannah Drake: Professor of architecture The Cooper Union School
Thayer Tolles: Metropolitan Museum of Art
Thomas Pike: Landmark Commissioner NYC
Tom Finklepearl: Director Queens Museum of Art NYC
Thomas F. Schutte: President Pratt Institute NYC
Tracy Causey: Gallery owner, Curator NYC
Valerie Dillon: Gallery owner, Curator NYC
Vicki Goldberg: New York Times Fine Art Writer
Zev Deans: Artist